Jilani met her Sufi Guide, Muiz Brinkerhoff, in 2005. She took Bayat (was initiated into Sufism) in 2007 and was raised to the teaching circle of the Sufi Ruhaniat International (SRI) in 2016. This empowered her to take hands in Bayat with spiritual seekers (mureeds) who are drawn to her guidance, helping them on the Path of the Heart, the Path of Spiritual Liberty, to becoming more fully who they are.
Sufism is a mystical path that focuses on the inward, personal experience of the divine. Sufis seek to establish a deep, personal connection with God through various practices, often using the intoxicating beauty of music, chanting and simple, repetitive movements to open the heart and inspire devotion. SRI is a Universal Western Sufi order, recognising and honouring the light of truth and the fire of devotion in many names and forms.
Since 2020 Jilani has been a member of the Board of Trustees for SRI, holding the role of Board Facilitator since 2022.
The Sufi Ruhaniat International is a world-wide spiritual family, walking in the footsteps of Murshid Samuel Lewis (our founder), and of Hazrat Inayat Khan, his teacher, who brought “The Sufi Message of Spiritual Liberty” from India to the West in 1910. The winged heart symbolises this spiritual freedom. Our stated mission is, “helping individuals unfold their highest spiritual purpose, manifest their essential inner being, and live harmoniously with others, with the hope of relieving suffering and contributing to the awakening of all of humankind”.
‘Actually, although we seem to be in a world of song and dance, we are most concerned with peace on earth.’ (Murshid Samuel Lewis)
For more information about SRI follow this link.
Concentrations or Rays of the Sufi Ruhaniat International

Zikr means Remembrance. This Sufi practice invites us to remember our original and underlying state of unity with All-That-Is. Using body prayers – simple, gentle yet powerful movements – combined with chanting in Arabic, most commonly the Zikr phrase La illaha il’llah (which could be translated ‘the only reality is Unity’, or ‘there is nothing except the One’), we celebrate Unity. Moving, chanting and breathing in rhythm together we begin to harmonise ourselves as individuals and as a group. Our bodies and hearts can realign with the rhythm of our souls. The result can be wonderful: we may experience sensations of devotion, peace and joy, heart-opening connections with others and a sense of oneness with all-that-is.
Jilani usually leads a Zikr gathering once a month at the Heart Centre, and also on Zoom. See here for more information, or to join.
Dances of Universal Peace and Walking Concentrations
Jilani is an internationally acclaimed leader and mentor for the Dances of Universal Peace and the Walking Concentrations. For more information about her work in this field, see here.
Spiritual Psychology and SoulWork
From 2019 – 2023 Jilani trained with Suzanna Yahya Nadler and Raphael Rod Birney in Sufi SoulWork, a form of spiritual psychology that has arisen through the Ruhaniat stream of Sufi wisdom. She received the empowerment to lead group SoulWork in 2022. For more information about Jilani’s Soulwork offerings, click here.
Retreat or Khilvat
Jilani leads group and individual retreats several times a year. Check the Announcements for upcoming events, or send an email to enquire about individual retreats.
Esoteric Studies Programme
Jilani is currently guiding one of the prayer wheels in the God is Breath programme. More information can be found here.
Ministerial Training
In 2024 Jilani was ordained as a Cherag, or interfaith minister in the Ruhaniat. She has been acting as a celebrant for many years, having led her first hand fasting in 2005 and her first funeral in 2015. It is her honour and pleasure to serve the community through creating ceremonies and celebrations to mark the significant moments in the cycles of human life. Jilani is available for funerals, weddings, hand-fastings, baby-namings and other ceremonies: please talk to her if you have a particular idea or need.
Ziraat (Spiritual Ecology)
Recognition of our interdependence with all life is fundamental to a non-dualistic approach. Jilani has been a passionate supporter of the natural world since her earliest memories. She strives to live lightly on the earth, and to honour the changing seasons with ceremony. She has also been walking her talk since 2019 by supporting Extinction Rebellion in their efforts to halt the climate chaos caused by the sickness of our fossil-fuel addicted society. Jilani has brought sacred song and dance to the joyously non-violent actions of XR on the streets of London, Manchester and Leeds, including leading a Dance of Universal Peace with over 1000 participants at the opening ceremony of the October Rebellion in 2019. She also loves to grow food and care for her hens.