Spring Equinox in Wales

Light of Renewal, Light of Rebirth

A Day of Dances of Universal Peace to Celebrate the Approach of the Spring Equinox

With Jilani and Robert

Saturday 15 March 2025 10.30 for 11 am start, 4.30pm finish

Cilgerran Village Hall, High Street, Cilgerran, Cardigan, Wales SA43 2SQ

In between the pillars of the Day and the Night We walk through the doorway from the Dark to the Light: the Light of Renewal, the Light of Rebirth – Light of the Earth!’

The Spring Equinox is the time of the transition from the dark of winter to the lighter half of the year. It is also the time of new birth, when daffodils bloom, lambs leap, and the earth warms with hope for a new season of growth as tender green shoots begin to appear.

On this day we will dance with simple steps and chant sacred phrases together, with our focus on our own tender shoots, and on how best to support and nourish our growth at this time. We will call on the Light of Renewal, the Divine Light, to sustain us and guide us as we grow.

All welcome! Croeso i bawb!

£30 full day (£25 if paid before 16 February) £16 half day (ask if you’d need a concession) Please bring vegetarian food to share for lunch. Teas will be provided. Tasty snacks are welcome too!

Jilani will also lead a Sufi Zikr on Friday evening at 7.30pm, at a venue near Newport, for an additional donation (we suggest around £10, but according to your means). Numbers are limited so booking is essential.

If you would like to join us for the Zikr, please contact
Emma: emmaoftheearth@hotmail.com 07887 622188 or 01239 821118.

For bookings and practical information about the Saturday workshop including the venue, please contact Sally Davies: saldavies@hotmail.com or 07766 213606

For information about the content of the workshops, please contact Jilani: jilanicordelia@gmail.com or 07966 451534

‘You don’t need to have any experience of this type of group to enjoy it and feel uplifted…The movement and singing is spiritual and peaceful.’ – Lorraine

“Their events that I have experienced are really uplifting and thoughtful and make me feel like I’ve found a soul family.” – Claire

Jilani Cordelia and Robert Salik lead dance events and retreats around the UK, across Europe and beyond. Their workshops are always a safely held space to explore more of who you really are, supported and enchanted by beautiful live music and gentle, meditative movement. Both Jilani Cordelia and Robert Salik are dance leaders certified in the Leaders Guild of Dances of Universal Peace International. Jilani is also a dance mentor, and a guide in the Sufi Ruhaniat International. Jilani and Salik are delighted to be returning once again to Wales, to a land and a community very close to their hearts. We are looking forward to dancing with you!


Winter Solstice Celebration with Jilani and Salik

21 December 2024 2-5 pm

Jilani and Salik warmly welcome you to join us for our celebration of the return of the Light this year at Om Yoga Works.

Gather together with like-minded friends in a heart warming celebration at the Celtic festival of the Winter Solstice.

Using chant and movement, with the Dances of Universal Peace, we invite you to open your hearts to the light and to each other.

The Winter Solstice can be a time to look back and reflect, but also to look ahead, to dream into the coming year, and to rejoice in the light returning. We will feel into and explore the nourishment and regeneration of this time of fertile darkness, and we will rejoice in the rebirth and returning of the light. We will work with simple sacred chants and movements, beautiful live music, powerful breath practices, and sharing; and the power of ritual and ceremony.

Everything will be clearly guided and held. All are welcome, whether you are new friends or old.

If you’d like to join us for a shared meal afterwards, please bring a contribution of something delicious to share. Read more about the Dances of Universal Peace at www.dancesofuniversalpeace.org

Khankah of the Heart 2025

The Khankah of the Heart is a vision of a Sufi community, a Khankah, based not in a building of bricks and mortar, but in the relationships between the deep and loving hearts of its members. All fervent seekers are welcome to join, whether new to this or having been walking the path for many years.  The core of this community will be the practices and teachings of Murshid Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti (Samuel Lewis) and the Sufi and Dance lineages that he birthed.  Dances of Universal Peace will be central to our group practice.  In our experience and understanding, the Dances of Universal Peace are rooted in the whole of S.A.M.’s teachings and practices including the Walks and that they will flourish more fully, firmly attached to their roots from which they can not be separated. 

Last year Jilani Cordelia Prescott & Shamsia Sandra Sunfire initiated our gathering together with a shared purpose. The Khankah of the Heart is envisioned to meet in different places at different times with different people guiding us through retreats.  We are living in the UK but retreats here will welcome those from other countries and future retreats could also be held in other countries.  This particular retreat will be 16th-19th January 2025, from supper on Thursday to after lunch on Sunday, at the Oblate Retreat Centre, Crewe, UK. Further details are on the attached flyer.  The retreat will happen just after the Urs of Samuel Lewis, the anniversary of his death, of when he returned to the Source from which he came.  There is a hope to expand this to a week long annual retreat, with other online and in person gatherings keeping us in touch in between.  The retreats are envisioned to serve and nourish the Sufi community and friends, wherever we may call home, returning to our home in the heart, our Khankah of the Heart, where we can gather to “eat, dance and pray” together.  

We are guided by our teachers.

“One who has learned friendship has learned religion; the one who has learned friendship has attained spiritual knowledge. The one who has learned friendship need learn very little else; morals in Persian is friendship” (Hazrat Inayat Khan)

“…real meetings are mergings; they change the parties involved leaving them more fully themselves.” (Murshid SAM)

We follow in their footsteps, walking with them. 

As Mentors and Dance Leaders we strongly feel that in order for the  transmission of the Dances of Universal Peace to be healthy and complete, we need to provide opportunities for Dance Leaders and potential Dance Leaders, to deeply experience SAM’s Dances & Walks, teachings and practices. This can provide strong roots for DUP to grow and bloom anew, setting new seeds for future growth in our young people.

We are applying for grants to start an ongoing bursary fund to enable us to support those encountering financial difficulties to be able to join us.  This will be available to all including those who will in future serve and support our communities, the young people.  We recognise that these are challenging times and that financial challenges are becoming more widespread and that a bursary fund will help our community to be more supportive and inclusive. If you are experiencing abundance and feel inspired to support our bursary fund, please contact us.

We are grateful for the grant we received from Dances of Universal Peace International for this retreat. If bursary help would be necessary for you to be able to join us, please get in touch.

We are committed to exploring sustainable ways to continue to gather as a Sufi Community, financially and based on caring for the Earth’s limited resources.  This venture has been unfolding in our hearts and our lives each and every time we meet, we nurture and pray for its past, present and future. 

Ramadan in Morocco with Jilani

at the beautiful eco-lodge retreat centre ‘La Maison Anglaise’ in Taroudant

February 26 – March 5 2025

Plus the option to travel there overland through France, Spain and Morocco in a Caravan of the Dances!

There are still a few places available for the week in Morocco, at La Maison Anglaise in Taroudant, and it can be booked right away, from this website:

Br250226 – Holidays with Heart

My intention is to travel there and back overland through France and Spain, and you are welcome to join me. We will stop in various places en route to meet with local people and share the Dances of Universal Peace together. There will also be opportunities to do a little sight-seeing and to enjoy local food. 

Our accommodation will be partly in AirBnBs or hostels, and sometimes may be in local homestays. There will be the option to arrange your own accommodation if you prefer something more luxurious. Some of us will travel together by train, others will drive and car-share. In the south of Spain we will visit places where there are no trains, so we will all share cars for that part of the journey. There should be enough locals with cars to accommodate those of us who arrive by train.

We have stops confirmed in Angers in France, in Barcelona, Alicante, Granada and Malaga in Spain, and in Tangiers in northern Morocco. I am still working on a possible stop in the South of France, but the journey is viable without it. The outward journey will take around 10-14 days, depending on whether we stop again in France or not.

The return journey will be more direct, but we plan an overnight stay in Tangiers and Madrid, and a weekend retreat near Plum Village in southern France. The whole return journey to the UK should be just under a week.

It’s perfectly possible to join for just a part of the caravan, or just for the week in Morocco, or any combination. We can’t book the trains yet as they haven’t been released. I recommend buying an interrail pass which makes it much more affordable. I’ll give clear details when the stops have been finalised. Or of course you can drive yourself, or request a car share place.

Things are still coming into focus but plans are well underway. Do let me know if you have any specific questions, and let’s keep in touch. If you want to be part of the week in Taroudant I recommend that you book that as soon as possible as there are only a few places left.

The Aramaic Lord’s Prayer

A Ceremony of Sound and Light

with Jilani

‘Abwoon d’bashmaya’ 

Oh Thou, the breathing Life of all, Creator of the shimmering Sound that touches us! You create all that moves in Light…

A residential retreat in France (in French/English) to learn and practice the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, with chants and body prayers. This workshop is based on the work of Neil Douglas-Klotz, with whom I trained for three years nearly 20 years ago. Neil has spent over 35 years studying Jesus in the context of Middle Eastern spirituality, seeing him as a Middle Eastern prophet, and looking at his words in the language he actually spoke, Aramaic. Aramaic is a bridge between ancient Hebrew and modern day Hebrew and Arabic, and by studying the words of Jesus in this context we arrive at a very different way of understanding his message. Specifically, there is not one way to translate Aramaic into English, but many layers of meaning, which can be very helpful for us nowadays, especially if we have ever felt alienated or put off by traditional translations of the words of Jesus. I have led this work in many countries, and both practising Christians and people who have felt wounded and alienated by the Christian church have had profound and healing experiences with it.

The Aramaic Prayer is the Lord’s Prayer in as close as we can get to the original words spoken by Jesus. We will explore those words in Aramaic, and discover several possible ways to understand and relate to those words through some English translations.

Above all this work is experiential, and embodied. The emphasis is not so much on study and mental understanding as on gaining an embodied experience of the prayer. To this end we will be chanting each line many times, with simple melodies and movements. This makes it easier for us to learn the words and also to drop into a felt sense of what we are experiencing.

During the weekend we will explore each line of the prayer, with time for questions and learning. The culmination will consist of a full experience of the prayer including a part where we share juice and bread to deepen our understanding and connection with the experience. The emphasis will not be on ‘getting it right’, but on dropping deeply into the prayer as a ceremony and a way to connect with the original message of Jesus, which many people find quite profound and surprising.

French version of Flyer

Aramaic Prayer in Pembrokeshire, Wales

‘Abwoon d’Bashmaya’

‘Oh Thou, the Breathing Life of All, Creator of the Shimmering Sound that Touches Us! You Create All that Moves in Light…’

Sat 12th October, Brynberian Village Hall 11-5pm, 7-9pm

Please book early so we can have an idea about numbers!

Teaching session during the day, and an evening ceremony: come to either or both!

The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic – Simple and powerful Chants and Body Prayers, led by Jilani Cordelia Prescott

All welcome! Everything will be taught on the day – no prior knowledge or experience necessary.

‘Who danceth not, knows not what is being done.’ (Hymn of Jesus)

Cost: £55 day £25 eve ceremony £60 for both eve and day

Bursaries available – please ask

with live music from Jilani and Salik, on Viola, Guitar and Drum.

Contact Rachael – full payment by Oct 1st please

Please bring vegetarian food to share for lunch and dinner.

For bookings or further information, 

contact Rachael info@rachaelcrow.co.uk 

Sufi Camp with Jilani, 25-31 August 2024

Come and immerse yourself in the beautiful Welsh countryside and ‘the Sacred Manuscript of Nature, the only book which can enlighten the reader’ (in the words of Hazrat Inayat Khan, the Sufi mystic). For these days we will live together close to the land and deepen our connection to Mother Earth through many different practices, culminating in a beautiful co-created ceremony to honour and bless the Earth.

In the afternoons there will be training sessions for dance leaders – circles where new or more experienced dancers, dance leaders and musicians can explore the dance leading journey, with guidance and supporting practices held by Jilani, who is a very experienced mentor and trainer of dance leaders.

Rissa and Sky of Yew Tree Camps have this to say about the site:

‘Meadow Ground overlooks the gorgeous Welsh Valleys and enjoys dramatic views and spectacular skies from its position on the hillside. The Stone Circle is a formation of English and Welsh stones, which came together serendipitously to create a deep and mystical place for the dances. We are immersed in nature amongst the hedgehogs, owls, buzzards, bluebells, orchids and new and old trees.

The land has been lovingly tended to and developed to create the beautiful and magical setting for these camps. We are blessed by the full range of weather that Wales provides; beautiful sunny days, misty rainy days and everything in between – it is therefore good to pack for all seasons!

We have various sheltered spaces for workshops, lovely compost loos (including a new accessible compost toilet) and a mains water supply for drinking, hand washing, cooking, and basic off-grid showering and bathing. We will maintain an open fire which marks the centre of our camping circle. 

Please ask us about alternative accommodation and any other access needs you may require. Our field may not be suitable for everyone as the ground is uneven in places, but we would love to accommodate you as much as we can. We have options available to help you attend more comfortably if you aren’t able to camp or don’t wish to. If you need to travel light, we can help with some basic supplies like tents or bedding, however these are limited. 

We have three cats who love the freedom of the field. Therefore we are not able to accommodate other peoples pets on the field. We also have an older cat and a small dog who live down at the house.’

This exciting new event is designed to be affordable, and please do enquire if you need further help to be able to attend. Conversely, if you find the price is reasonable or cheap for the value which is being offered, please consider offering a donation to subsidise those who are less well off.

Bring your own plate/bowl/mug and cutlery, plus everything you need for a vegetarian breakfast. You might also like to bring teas/coffees and delicious snacks to share. Our main meals will be suitable for vegetarians with vegan and gluten free options, and are included in the price you pay. We will all offer our karma yoga services in turn to chop wood and vegetables, wash up and clear away.

Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment! Contact Jilani with any questions prior to booking.

Click here for booking form

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Light of Renewal, Light of Rebirth

A Day of Dances of Universal Peace at the Spring Equinox, 23 March 2024, with Jilani and Robert

Cilgerran Village Hall, High Street, Cilgerran, Cardigan, Wales SA43 2SQ

‘In between the pillars of the Day and the Night, we walk through the doorway from the Dark to the Light: the Light of Renewal, the Light of Rebirth – Light of the Earth!’

The Spring Equinox is the time of the transition from the dark of winter to the lighter half of the year. It is also the time of new birth, when daffodils bloom and the earth warms with hope for a new season of growth as tender green shoots begin to appear.

We will dance with our focus on our own tender shoots, and on how best to support and nourish our growth at this time, calling on the Light of Renewal, the Divine Light, to sustain us and guide us as we grow.

Jilani Cordelia and Robert Salik lead dance events and retreats around the UK, across Europe and beyond. Their workshops are always a safely held space to explore more of who you really are, supported and enchanted by beautiful live music and gentle, meditative movement. Both Jilani Cordelia and Robert Salik are dance leaders certified in the Leaders Guild of Dances of Universal Peace International. Jilani is also a dance mentor, and a guide in the Sufi Ruhaniat International. Jilani and Salik are delighted to be returning once again to Wales, to a land and a community very close to their hearts. We are looking forward to dancing with you!

£30 full day (£25 if paid before 16 February) £16 half day (ask if you’d need a concession)

Please bring vegetarian food to share for lunch. Teas will be provided. Tasty snacks are welcome too! 

Jilani will also lead a Sufi Zikr on Friday evening at 7.30pm, at a venue near Newport, for an additional donation 

(we suggest around £10, but according to your means). Numbers are limited so booking is essential.

If you would like to join us for the Zikr, please contact 

Dilwara: lucyjotucker@yahoo.co.uk 07890 248857 (WhatsApp best) or 01239 613641.

For bookings and practical information about the Saturday workshop including the venue, please contact 

Sally Davies: saldavies@hotmail.com or 07766 213606 

For information about the content of the workshops, please contact 

Jilani: jilanicordelia@gmail.com  or 07966 451534

  ‘You don’t need to have any experience of this type of group to enjoy it and feel uplifted…The movement and singing is spiritual and peaceful.’ – Lorraine

“Their events that I have experienced are really uplifting and thoughtful and make me feel like I’ve found a soul family.” – Claire

The Aramaic Prayer of Yeshua

A ceremony of Sound and Light, with Jilani

with thanks to Neil Douglas Klotz

Book before 17th March to receive the Early Bird discount!

Sunday 7 April  10am – 4pm

Om Yoga Works, Springfield Mills, Bagley Lane, Farsley, LS28 5LY

‘Abwoon d’Bashmaya’

‘Oh Thou, the Breathing Life of All, Creator of the Shimmering Sound that Touches Us! You Create All that Moves in Light…’ 

Simple Chants and Body Prayers, led by Jilani Cordelia Prescott, 

with live music from Jilani and Salik, on Viola, Guitar and Drum.  

All welcome! Everything will be taught on the day – no prior knowledge or experience necessary.

‘Who danceth not, knows not what is being done.’ (Hymn of Jesus)

Cost: £45 Early Bird if paid before 17th March, £60 thereafter

Please contact Jilani, and pay in advance to reserve your place.

Please bring vegetarian food to share for lunch.

For bookings or further information, contact Jilani on +44 7966 451534

or email jilanicordelia@gmail.com