11 & 12 May 2024, Saturday and Sunday
a Non-Residential Weekend Retreat with Sheikh Muiz Brinkerhoff, assisted by Jilani and Salik

Sufi Practice, Dances of Universal Peace, Zikr, and a variety of other Heart-Centered, Mindful Explorations of Breath and Body, Sound and Silence, Movement and Stillness.
In Hebden Bridge, in the beautiful Pennine hills of West Yorkshire
All are welcome, even those new to Sufi practice and the Dances of Universal Peace.
You may join for all or part of the weekend. Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm, Sunday 10 am – 4 pm
Nearby B&B and Hostel accommodation or campsites may be available. Book early to be sure.
£150/£130/£110, with a £20 discount for bookings received and paid before 1 April 2024.
Please bring food to share for two lunches.
We’ve kept the pricing deliberately low to help include those whose resources are limited. Please be generous as you self-select your price band. At the same time, if you can only attend part of the retreat, or if you are in financial hardship, please contact us. Money should not be an obstacle.
To book a place, or for more information, please contact Jilani