Ramadan Mubarak!
Our soul is blessed with the impression of the glory of God whenever our lips praise God.
– Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan
Commentary by Murshid Samuel L. Lewis (Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti):
This praise is the one thing which surely pierces the mind-mesh. In the first place, the praise we give to God is the one praise for which we cannot possibly expect return; this lack of expectancy of return shows unselfishness, and unselfishness is the one thing that blesses the soul.

Join Jilani for Songs of One Breath every Friday: half an hour of poetry, mantra, song, breath practice and body prayer. Follow the link for more information:
All are welcome, no matter who you are or where you come from, whether you are from any faith tradition or none. We meet through the mystery of breath and heart, through our shared humanity and through our embodied presence on this beautiful Earth. We seek comfort and guidance together as people always have, through the ancient wisdom of all of the peoples of Earth.
Jilani will be online as usual, every Friday for 30 minutes from 2.30 pm UTC (check your local start time here: https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com)
on Zoom, and Live-streamed on Facebook, from this event.
To join on Zoom, follow the link or use this ID and Password:
Meeting ID: 829 5534 9265
Password: 011140
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keE0idDoW6
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